The Blog

Simple ideas for building a life, differently.

How to Take Charge of Your Fear

Time and again I see people hesitating, putting things off, delaying their hearts desires, all because they are afraid of failing. I, too, know this feeling in my own life. Fear has …

Who Says You Have to Leave Town to Create a Vacation?

If you are feeling the dog days of summer and want to mix things up, I’ve got an idea for you.  My husband and I had the past 10 days …

Is Feeling “Too Busy” Clouding Your View?

Are you so busy doing and hurrying through your day that you are missing the moments you truly desire? Maybe you, like me, find yourself thinking, “I need more time” …

What Does It Mean to Love With Action?

I’ve been observing my clients do the incredible work to clean up and clear out their lives – to live free of the past and more fully today. Every now and …

The Magic of Mindful Time

Do you have thoughts like these? “It’s already March!” “Time is going so fast.” “The older I get the faster it seems to go.” “There’s never enough time…” “If I …

The Key to Vibrant Relationships

Imagine how dusty your home would be if you didn’t dust for months, or maybe even years.  Would you even recognize the once remarkable furniture you treasured finding so many …

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My Mission

I love it. I live it. I teach it.