By Carla Reeves | May 23, 2024
Mental dragons are real. ?
That’s how one of my clients describes the negative thoughts that whirl in your brain.
They are relentless and work very hard to distract you, deflate you and keep you playing small.
It takes courage to change.
Change can look like
↩️a pivot
?the birth of something new, or
?a leap of faith.
In today’s very short episode on the podcast, we explore three small, aligned steps to create significant traction over time.
Have you ever noticed how you start out feeling inspired and excited to make the change, only to find yourself hours or even minutes later having talked yourself out of it! ?
This is the mental dragons busy at work causing you to…
- Question the whole thing
- Wrestle with it
- Overthink it to the point of spinning out
- And, maybe even getting to the point of opting out
Yes, the dragons like to turn inspiration into a big mess of confusion. ?
What if next time…
…you expected the mental dragons to show up and were equipped to slay them?
Instead of reacting, you responded – differently?
You won’t be surprised or deflated or discouraged because you know it’s part of the process.
See what we did there?
? The dragons still do their thing. You don’t need to try to keep them at bay.
You simply change the way you see them with a shift in perspective.
You turn things upside down and look from other angles.
When you interrupt the pattern by thinking differently, you take away the power from those mental dragons.
Warning: this might feel impossible. It will be uncomfortable and require courage. You can do it!
Here are a few mental dragon slaying techniques:
?Tend your thinking: Pay attention so you notice when they show up. Then, get these thoughts out of your head and onto the page.
↗️Sort them: Which thoughts are moving you forward? Slowing you down? Are complete lies? Need more information?
?Choose a new focus + Move Forward: Remember who you are and what is most important to you. Small aligned actions, over time, create massive traction.
Being a mental dragon slayer will put you on the edge of your comfort zone.
This is where you grow and create the things you REALLY want to create.
I’m learning this again as I write this to you. The closer I get to the edge of my comfort zone and the more regularly I go there, I get a glimpse of what is possible.
That puts a fire in my belly and keeps me showing up for the sake of something far bigger than those mental dragons.
Now is a good time to start slaying!
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Explore Coaching with Carla
If you need support making a big decision or would like help sorting through and organizing your own thoughts so that you can choose your next step, intentionally – schedule a call and explore how working together could help you navigate this important time in your life.
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