
An Invitation to Clear Something Away

When I think of 2020, I think 20/20 vision. Next year is an invitation to bring sharpness, fierceness and transparency to who you want to be and how you want …

When Life Calls for Quiet

Life called for me to slow down last month when I received the call from my brother that Dad was being moved to hospice. I quickly packed my bags and …

What’s Your Go-To Habit?

Do you ever feel like there are too many things happening all at once? What’s your go-to habit when this happens? Do you reach for a bag of chips? Glass …

Turn Around Your Thinking, Quickly

It’s easy to get stuck in our thinking and see no way out.  It’s extraordinary to use the power of your mind to pivot on the spot and take your …

The Feeling of “Being Enough” Cannot Be Achieved by Doing

I am a recovering workaholic. Busyness consumed my mind and my time for years. I ran from minute to minute with time on my back trying to fit in as …

Be a Minimalist of the Mind

What would it mean to be a minimalist of the mind? I’m not suggesting a halt to gathering wisdom and knowledge, but rather a clearing out of mental noise that drains, …