
Episode #85: Making Decisions

By Carla Reeves | August 11, 2022 Overview The inspiration behind today’s topic comes from my own experience of living in the land of “I don’t know”. I used to …

Summer Sanity Journal Coaching

Stay sane this summer with a journal that talks back. Imagine… Your own private, online journaling space… where you can empty your mind, reflect and keep your head straight. I …

I Cleaned Out My Closet

Do you ever open your closet, see a rack of clothing, and feel like you have nothing to wear?  I have a small closet and share it with my husband, …

Are You a Hyper-Achiever?

For years of my life I had one speed – GO. And, when I stopped, I fell asleep. I was… I didn’t know how to relax, nor did I really want …

Episode #67: Are You a Hyper-Achiever

By Carla Reeves |April 7, 2022 Overview Today on the podcast I share what it feels like to be a hyper-achiever – the good, the bad and the ugly. :0  …

3 Mindset Shifts that Changed Her Life

If you feel like you are going through the motions, life looks pretty good on the outside, but inside you aren’t feeling it – you are not alone. I interviewed …