True Lasting Change

January 9, 2023








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Hi, I'm Carla...
AKA The Coach with a journal

Don’t Believe Everything You Think

Contrary to what our minds and the world around us are saying – true lasting change isn’t found through more achievements, checked to-do lists or acquiring more things.

After a decade of coaching individuals from corporate leaders, creative entrepreneurs to multi million dollar CEO’s, there are 4 things that stand out again and again.  These are the things I watch my clients do day after day that create the real, lasting changes we actually want.

These 4 Things Lead to True Lasting Change

1. Address the root.
Lasting change starts at the foundation.  For example, if you want to experience more love in your marriage, instead of planning more date nights – make it your mission this year to remove the barriers that keep you from being more present, more open and more loving to your spouse on the daily.

2. Think small, consistent, aligned actions over time.
If taking better care of your health is on your list this year – while you are eating better and heading to the gym, also focus on your behaviors that sabotage sustaining your commitment. If emotions drive your eating decisions – try taking care of the emotion in the moment instead of defaulting to eating.  Ask yourself, “Is it food I really need, or something else?”

3. Do differently, instead of more.
Resist the urge to fall into the trap of the “Someday Illusion”. You can learn more about this here.  The Someday Illusion keeps you on the hamster wheel of doing more, achieving more and getting better.  Before getting swept away in busyness, pause to ask yourself these questions.  1. What do you want to FEEL more of in your life this year? Then, make sure your goals and actions are set up to support you feeling this way now.  When you feel good, you create incredible momentum AND that ripples to everything.

4. Start on the Inside.
Last, but not least. The changes I have made in my life, and what I have witnessed in others all these years through my private coaching work, reveals again and again that the things we deeply want are not material, they are non-material.  They live in the unseen world.  They are things like deeper connection, peace of mind. intimacy, meaning and purpose.  These things are not obtained by having more time or space in our calendars, by completing the to-do list, or by achieving the next milestone of revenue. These things are achieved by calming the mind, getting quiet and listening on a soul level.

As you set out inspired to realize your goals for this year, put these in your back pocket. And, ask yourself…

  • What needs to change in my thinking in order to realize my goals?
  • What one habit could I adopt that would support all of my goals?

I love the new year, but what I love more is creating a world where you don’t have to wait for a new year to invigorate your life with new energy – you have the tools to do that over and over again all year.

I hope this inspires some ideas to do just that. 🙂

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AKA The Coach with a journal

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