How much better could life
be with a journal and a coach always at your fingertips?

get started

It's a dashboard for managing
your mind and your life.

Better relationships, a better marriage,
a healthier way of life.

to have better

To be in control of your thoughts and your actions instead of spiraling or being reactive.

Less fear, anxiety, and overwhelm, more peace, confidence, and clarity.

But a spinning head makes
it hard to get what
you really want:

Someone to hold you accountable. sounding board, a cheerleader, a fresh perspective.


to do better

to feel better

With the right tools and support, YOU can build a life that’s
purposeful, even when
it’s challenging.

get equipped

i'm interested. -> Cost?

Someone once said something very wise to me:

“Even if you just poured your thoughts out to a lamp post, it would help.”

My lamppost was my journal.

I discovered journaling as a way to process and manage my thoughts and emotions so that I can be more intentional about the way I navigate my everyday life.

It's helped me to feel more comfortable in my own skin, become a happier mom and take an active part in building a life that I love.

I was stunned when I saw the incredible transformations journaling made in my life.

After years of faithful journaling and coaching others, I was led to a new idea.

Hey, I'm Carla!

more of the story

If pouring your thoughts out to a “lamppost” is helpful, imagine if you poured your mind out to a journal that could talk back to you - A guide (a human with a heart) on the other side – Trained to illuminate a fresh perspective and guide you to your own answers.

respond to your writing,

guide you to discover solutions and new insights, and

offer support, encouragement, and direction as you navigate life’s twists and turns?

Traditional journaling has been the gold standard for processing thoughts and understanding your life for good reason:

what if it could

➤ It gets the ruminations out of your head to calm and quiet your mind

➤ It allows you to gain insight into your thoughts, feelings, and behaviors

➤ It acts as a silent witness to your pain, grief, joy, challenges, and everyday concerns

But what if your journal wasn’t silent?

Reimagine is a private, one-of-a-kind online journaling platform designed especially for people seeking a new way to uplevel their lives…

…without the time and expense of traditional coaching or therapy sessions.

Interactive journaling combines the benefits of online journaling with the power of a compassionate human guide who’s trained to help you explore, challenge, and elevate your thinking. 


Welcome to 

A modern way
to work through
what's one your mind

A deep change in the way that you live
requires a deep change in the way that you think.

The Interactive Journal

It was really nice to write something out that was personal and caused issues in my life and to have a third-party outside perspective to help me challenge some of the things that I thought were true.  
~Samantha Resnik

“It was really nice to write something out that was personal and caused issues in my life.”

Interactive journaling gives a place to express what’s on your mind with a trained guide, a real human with a heart reading and responding to your journal entries.

Here’s what you can expect.

  • Guidance in real time, as you’re navigating life

  • Encouragement, a sounding board, or a confidante to meet your needs

  • Someone to challenge your narratives and thinking to get you unstuck


  • Someone to hold you accountable so you stay focused and motivated

  • Structure through the private, online dashboard

  • Built-in discipline for true self care 


  • Manage your thoughts to prevent spinning and help you gain control over your life

  • Taking aligned actions toward your goals, not just theory or talk, but supported implementation

  • Move through difficult thoughts and feelings
    so you can catch yourself and pull out of negativity much more quickly


  • Manage your thoughts to prevent spinning and help you gain control over your life

  • Move through difficult thoughts and feelings so you can catch yourself and pull out of negativity much more quickly

  • Taking aligned actions toward your goals, not just theory or talk, but supported implementation


Interactive journaling is a private, one-of-a-kind online journaling platform that’s perfect if you’re seeking an alternative to traditional coaching
or therapy sessions!

“Interactive journaling helps you figure out
what is going on inside your mind.”

Interactive journaling helps you figure out what is going on inside your mind. It gave me confidence in myself and the ability to trust myself. You can so quickly become overwhelmed with all of the thoughts swirling through your brain. Moving thoughts from your brain, through your body, out your arm, onto your paper, helps you to sort through them and feel a little more calm.
~Karen Cummings

Your secure online interactive journaling hub. Access your past entries and all your guide’s comments and feedback. Access your guided writing experiences, journal prompts, and past journal entries. Everything you do within the platform is here for you to reread anytime you’d like.

Differently Dashboard

Here's what's waiting inside for you...

Privacy and Safety: Some people hesitate to begin journaling for fear that someone will find their entries. This private, password-protected platform keeps your entries safe in digital form.

Freedom: With your interactive online journal, you have the freedom to log in on your computer, laptop, tablet, or phone and write anywhere, any time inspiration strikes! Your guide will read and respond promptly, often within hours or the next day.

Variety: Capture ideas and thoughts as they come to get stuff out of your head and onto the page. Reflect and process what’s happening now or plan for the future!

interactive journal

This is a bot-free zone! One trained guide, a warm-hearted human, will be assigned to you who has been through The Differently Coaching Experience and participates in interactive journaling themselves.

Your guide won’t tell you what to do or how to think.

They’ll respond back however you need as:
A sounding board
A compassionate listener
An inspirer
An encourager
A truth teller

Their mission is to shine a light to illuminate new ways to approach a situation, a new lens through which to see, or show you where the reins are so you can pick them up and guide yourself toward the life you desire!

personal guide

A common worry from new journalers is, “What will I write about?”

Your guide is there to help you explore areas more fully or provide resources to enhance your experience and help you go deeper on issues that are important to you through thought provoking journaling prompts and guided writing experiences.

There’s no end to the things you can journal about…there’s no end to the discoveries you’ll make!

Guided Experience + Journaling Prompts

You’ll be provided with tools to help you decrease pain and suffering, get clarity, and reflect and process what’s happening right now. Once you know how to use the tools, you’ll be able to use them for the rest of your life.

tools + resources


The Interactive Journal

“Journaling and looking at patterns was very effective for me.”

Journaling and looking at patterns was very effective for me. Because my guide stayed so on top of it, I really wanted to commit to it. ~Nell Constantinople

I'm In!

All this is available to you in a month-to-month membership.
Commit to three months to start, then month-to-month after that.

With your journaling practice, solid feedback, and a toolbox full of support, you’ll be able to show up to your life
and business with
your best foot forward!


Take a tour of all the resources you will have at your fingertips.

set up your differently

Based on the information you provide in the introductory worksheets, you’ll be matched with a guide (no bots here!) – who can help you get the most out of the program. 

meet your
guide online

This will allow your guide to fully understand your needs, wants, and goals for online coaching.

kick-off worksheet

Here's how it works...

Your guide will be on the other side, responding to you and helping you to discover your own answers, the ones that lie inside you.

let the 
journey begin

I'm ready to write my way to a better life!

Improve your relationships

See new approaches and new results

Gain peace of mind and mental clarity.

If you have a vision for your life, this is the place to remove all the stuff that's getting in the way.

Have more influence over your experience

Reimagine is perfect for you if you want to...

figure out what actions to take to reach your goals

Explore gratitude, creativity, brainstorming, and planning

…without engaging in therapy or coaching,
with complete autonomy,
at your own pace,in your own timeframe.

“I can look back on my journals and see the growth.”

I really liked having someone I knew was in my corner and reading things that I was saying. If I was having a rough day, just writing down a quick journal that she would read later that night or the next day, I felt like I was getting instant advice and help. I can look back on my journals and see the growth. ~ Lillian Becker

As with anything you do for yourself, the more effort you put in, the greater results you’ll achieve. Interactive journaling is no different.

We promise that the effort you put into interactive journaling will provide greater clarity, confidence, and a new perspective you may not have seen working on your own.

If you find that interactive journaling isn’t for you, simply unsubscribe at any time.

The Reimagine Promise

sounds amazing!
sign me up.

have questions? We've got answers!

"Writing is freeing."

It feels useful for me to journal and read my own journal, but I already know my perspective. I wanted to get somebody else's perspective, to be able to see those blind spots you just can't see for yourself. Writing is freeing. I noticed myself actually being able to communicate verbally better by writing more. ~Rob Cochran

Reimagine is a
one-of-a-kind experience

This isn’t therapy, it isn’t coaching,
we’re not here to give you the answers.
We’re here to shine a light so you can find the answers already within you.

I'm ready!

We’ve seen the results in our own lives. We can’t wait to see the results in yours!

COPYRIGHT © 2025 · carla reeves  | terms & conditions