The Art of Everyday Skydiving

November 12, 2021








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Hi, I'm Carla...
AKA The Coach with a journal

I jumped out of a plane 10 years ago and what I went through to get to the point of jumping changed my life. 

The barriers that got in the way of me following through on this dream are the same barriers that may be preventing you from doing the most meaningful and important things in your life.

I am on a mission to teach people how to leverage and elevate the mind as a vehicle for leaping into the life you are deeply compelled to live and what I learned from jumping out of a plane is infused in the one-to-one coaching work I do today.  

Here are some of the highlights.  You can listen to the whole story here. 


Listen here.

The Barriers:
The three things that nearly prevented me from jumping are the same barriers that show up in our everyday lives and cause us to shrink, wait or never follow through.

  1. The “Someday’ Illusion:  A sneaky illusion that keeps you hopeful, but ultimately at a distance from the things you most want.
  2. Fear:  Comes in all shapes and sizes and can bully you into a corner limiting what’s possible.
  3. Limited Thinking:  The noise of the mind that causes us to shrink and pull away from the moments that have potential to make the most remarkable impact.

This is where the Art of Everyday Skydiving comes into play.  You don’t have to be an extrovert, fearless or outgoing.
Everyday skydiving is for people who are committed to more for their life
and are willing to show up in the face of feeling afraid
for the sake of something much bigger! 
(this is you!)

Everyday skydiving is for people who are tired of more and ready for different.  Contrary to what you might think the big changes you desire won’t happen “someday” in the future – they happen when you are willing to show up and be brave in the little moments of your life.

These little moments hold the power to change the direction of your life in the most amazing way.

5 Steps for Leaping in Your Everyday Life: 

1. Interrupt old thinking:  Expect fear to show up – especially if you are doing something big.  If you know its coming, it won’t knock you off your feet.  Fear isn’t bad, it’s a necessary warning and reminder to draw on all your senses and faculties to make a good choice.

2. Leverage your imagination:  Harness the power of perspective.  Fear takes us straight to what can go wrong.  Consider what could go wrong, but don’t forget to ask yourself “What could go RIGHT?”

3. Choose intentionally:  Instead of letting fear choose for you.  Pause to look from all angles.  Quiet your mind.  Consider all the options.  Use all your senses and discern:  Is this something you feel pressured to do or inwardly, deeply compelled to do?  

4. Let commitment lead the way:  Most people let their feelings run the show.  Know what you are committed to and let those commitments inform your actions.  Feelings are like children – they are important but belong in the backseat of the car.  They don’t drive the car – you do!

5. Leap:  Muster 20 seconds of courage and leap into your life.  It might look like….

  • Having a conversation you have been putting off.
  • Opening your heart in a moment when you want to close it.
  • Asking for what you want instead of waiting and hoping it will be given to you and feeling frustrated when it doesn’t happen. (a raise, a new role, a hug, help around the house, etc..)

The Art of Everyday Skydiving has nothing to do with jumping out of a plane and everything to do with looking at the little moments of your life and asking yourself whether you are living in alignment with the person you are made to be. 

What leap will you make today?

Do you need help making the important leaps in your life?  Set up a call with me and let’s explore the ways I can support you.

Here’s to 2022 being the year of meaningful leaps.  

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