Why Journaling?

why it's awesome

I'm ready

More faith, less worry
More ease, less struggle
More peace, less anxiety and fear
More confidence, less overwhelm
More clarity, less rumination
and mental noise

more peace,
less stress

Feel Better

I'm in

Stop negative patterns
More control, less reactivity
More momentum, less being stuck
Pull yourself out of negative thinking
Spend more time doing what's important

More intention,
less reaction

Do Better

Let's Go

Healthier outlook
Stronger marriage
Better relationships
Strategies to move forward
Fresh approaches to old challenges

balance relationships strategies to
move forward

Have Better

- Lillian Becker

I really liked having someone I knew was in my corner and reading things that I was saying. If I was having a rough day, just writing down a quick journal that she would read later that night or the next day, I felt like I was getting instant advice and help. I can look back on my journals and see the growth.

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