
Does Your Do Start with Who?

Jan 30, 2020

Does Your Do Start with Who?

I love the beginning of a new year. There’s something beautiful about this time of year. Look around…

  • Gym classes are packed
  • Good intentions are high
  • Energy is up
  • Desires are elevated
  • Meetings are full
  • People are super present to their dreams and ambitions

These are all good things.

But, while I love the beginning of the year, I’ve never loved New Year’s Resolutions. I’ve come to realize its because they aren’t set up to last. After this incredible surge of energy, something happens. Some call it the “valley of disappointment”—the idea that we’ve been taking action and diligently making changes, but then we look around to evaluate the results. What we see doesn’t match what we set out to do, and we quickly get discouraged.

As if this discouragement isn’t bad enough, this moment is also a prime opportunity for old, limiting beliefs to reemerge and convince us that it’s ok, that life is pretty good the way it always has been. They whisper to us: you don’t really need to keep up with that new thing, maybe next month you can get back to it…

What to Do?
Change Your DO to WHO!

No, it’s not a Dr. Seuss book.:) It’s a simple shift to set your goals up for greater success. It’s a way of turning this sprint into a marathon that you actually finish this year.

We’ve been taught to put all the focus on what we are going to DO with little or no thought put into WHO we want to BE this year.
It’s not too late to shift course—in fact it’s perfect timing!

Begin by asking yourself: “Who do I want to BE this year?”

For example, maybe on my list of to-do’s is to exercise 3-4 times a week. Honestly, that doesn’t always sound like something I want to do. But when I can link this goal to my desire to BE “Lean and Strong” and “Adventurous”—now, that inspires me.

It’s the BEING that connects to your bigger why. It’s the bigger why that will keep you coming back.

So, ask yourself…

  • Who do you want to BE this year?
  • What can you DO to grow into that expanded version of yourself?
  • HOW can you set yourself up to follow all the way through?
  • Here’s to getting clear about who you want to BE and creating meaningful momentum and traction in 2020!

If you want support in making this year far different – I’d love to support you.
I have some exciting new programs and ways that we can work together.

Check them out!
If you are curious to learn more – set up a time to connect with me here.

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