Are You a Hyper-Achiever?

April 9, 2022








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Hi, I'm Carla...
AKA The Coach with a journal

For years of my life I had one speed – GO. And, when I stopped, I fell asleep.

I was…

  • constantly in motion
  • always doing something
  • and, it was hard to sit still

I didn’t know how to relax, nor did I really want to and the never-ending to-do list was hanging over me as a constant reminder that I had to keep going.

Until life began falling apart and forced me to pause. I began to see that all the MOTION wasn’t moving me in the direction of what I REALLY wanted.

As a Hyper-Achiever, this is a hard cycle to interrupt because this behavior has likely created a lot of success and approval and to do anything different, can feel impossible.

Shirzad Chamine and his work around Positive Intelligence defines Hyper-Achievers as…

Dependent on constant performance and achievement for self-respect and self-validation. Highly focused on external success, leading to unsustainable workaholic tendencies and loss of touch with deeper emotional and relationship needs.

Being a hyper-achiever is a strength, but when this strength is overused or untamed it becomes a weakness. Over the years, I have heard repeatedly from clients who begin coaching…:

“I hide in my work.”
“My identity is my work.”
“I tend to bury my emotions.”
“I feel guilty no matter what I am doing.”
“I don’t know how to relax.”
“Taking care of myself falls to bottom of list.
Hyper-achievers are good at creating a lot of success, but it tends to fall into one area of their life. This causes life to feel out of balance and while they deeply want a thoughtful, intentional life and to be present in their relationships and family life – they don’t know how to get out of the busy, performance vortex.

If you resonate with being a hyper-achiever, and are ready to channel this incredible drive and energy into creating a well-rounded life, I want to help.

Schedule a call with me and let’s explore how working together could make a difference for you.

For more insight + ideas – tune into this episode of the Differently Podcast…

There is a huge opportunity to take your strength of being a hyper-achiever and leverage it by taking all this incredible energy you have stirring inside you and use it to propel all domains of your life forward.

It’s possible! I’ve done it in my own life and have been helping clients do the same now for over a decade.

I love hyper-achievers. You get things done. You bring ideas to life. You have an incredible work ethic. You’re energy is contagious. And, I love working with hyper-achievers.

The goal is not to stop being a hyper-achiever. The goal is learning to channel this amazing energy so that you can create fulfillment in all domains of life.

If you are a a hyper-achiever who’s ready to take your incredible energy and use it as a force of good all over your life. Let’s talk. Book a time with me and let’s explore how working together for just 12 weeks could have a significant, positive impact in your life!

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Hi, I'm Carla...
AKA The Coach with a journal

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