Tried-and-gave-up journalers will appreciate the support and encouragement your guide will provide. Knowing that someone is on the other side, ready to help, is a huge motivator. You’ll even get gentle reminders if you want them!
Pen and paper journalers don’t have to abandon their beloved journals! Those can be saved for writing when journaling online isn’t convenient.
Experienced journalers will discover their writing – and insights – go far deeper with the support of an experienced guide.
New journalers will quickly discover the power of emptying thoughts and feelings onto the digital page.
No matter where you are with your writing experience, the focus isn’t journaling, it’s YOU. Journaling is the vehicle we use for the journey within.
No! We’ve read many, many journal entries and there are two things we know for sure:
1. We all have thoughts that feel crazy
2. We all are navigating challenging things
3. You are not your thoughts
Your journal is a safe space to get those thoughts out of your head and onto the page. Your Guide won’t judge you because they, too, dump their own thoughts into their journals! It’s the best way to get some breathing space and a fresh perspective.
If you have issues that either you or your Guide feel could use a deeper level of support, you have options.
Busy people needn’t worry, it only takes as little as 10 minutes a day or 30 minutes a few times a week to see real benefits. Write when you can. The benefits you’ll see will soon make journaling an important part of your daily routine, just like brushing your teeth.
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